
Archdale Liquors (Responsive Website)

Archdale Liquors Website


Refreshed Archdale Liquors Website. Surveyed dozens of customers, created an affinity diagram, understood the goals of the Owner as well as the goals of the website. Doing this research upfront made designing the website a lot easier.

Archdale Liquor Store Survey

I began the discovery phase with a survey from Survey Monkey. The goal was to understand what customers look for when entering a liquor store website. As well as what days, they are likely to visit a Liquor Store/search for a liquor store online. I received 34 responses. 

Affinity Diagram

I first placed the data in order received and then began grouping the feedback. Some of the groupings went as such:

• Sales/Promotions/Deals
• Reviews
• Products (Especially Wine)
• Hours of Operation


Understanding Business Goals

I also had to keep in mind what the owner was looking for. Some key takeaways from my interview with him:

• Make website more navigable

• Promote more Specials

• Focus on Social Media

• Did not want to have a Product list online because his inventory changes constantly.

User Personas

I based my persona's off of qualitative and quantitative research. Some of the qualitative came from going to Archdale Liquors and watching customers. Some of the quantitative came from the surveys and analytics of how long a user was on a page and which pages were most often visited. This gave me a really good feeling about the users that I would be designing for.

Persona_Primary_Archdale Liquors.jpg
Persona_Secondary_Archdale Liquors.jpg


I then began wire-framing. I made sure to keep the website simple and easy to navigate. "Specials" was used as the call to action button, the user did not need to click anywhere to find the hours of operation, instilled a focus on Archdale's social media, so that the owner could begin promoting his events on Facebook and Instagram.


Desktop High Fidelity UI's
